Awards and Prizes

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    And the winner is…

    We're happy to show you the prizes that we've received up to now: for products, for services and much more. We're working to ensure that many more follow.

Handling Award 2019

Handling Award 2019: 2nd place for MOVIKIT® Robotics

Second place in the category "Robotics – Systems and Periphery": MOVIKIT® Robotics is a standardized solution for the MOVI-C® modular automation system and enables universal control of a wide range of serial and parallel robot kinematics.

Quality and Safety-Handling Awards

Second place in the “Quality and Safety” category of the Handling Award

Our award-winning “Safe Distance Monitoring” safety function enables minimum distances to be maintained in assembly lines without compromising high flexibility.

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Into the Top 10 with customer orientation

SEW-EURODRIVE made it straight into the Top 10 the "TOP SERVICE DEUTSCHLAND 2016" competition. The company also received the special award, making it the most customer-oriented company in the "Production/sales" sector.

D-A-CH region Best Recruiters

D-A-CH region Best Recruiters – We are honored in 12th place

Coming in 4th place in Germany and 12th in the D-A-CH region, SEW-EURODRIVE has secured one of the top positions in the BEST RECRUITERS study.

Excellence for health management program

Seal of excellence for health management program

Our vital360° health management program was awarded the seal of excellence in the 2015 Corporate Health Awards. This makes SEW-EURODRIVE one of Germany’s healthiest companies.

Candidate Experience Awards

Our applicants rate us highly

SEW-EURODRIVE is one of 15 companies from Germany, Austria and Switzerland to receive one of the Candidate Experience Awards 2015. It was especially pleasing that we performed particularly well in the re-application and recommendation.

Best recruiter

Top grade for outstanding recruitment quality

The exceptional recruitment quality that SEW-EURODRIVE delivers has received due recognition – placed first with a gold certificate in the machinery and systems engineering industry, and fourth-placed overall. Experience our outstanding recruiting on your own.

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New points: Outstanding employer once again in 2014

SEW-EURODRIVE has been awarded the certification of "Outstanding Employer for Engineers" for the second time.

Sustainable Production Award

Sustainable products are leading the way

Our new inverter MOVI4R-U®, won the "Sustainable Production Award 2014" in the category drive and fluid technology.

Nominated for Best industrial company and Best B2B company

Successfully nominated by our customers

We are delighted to have achieved 3rd place in the competition for "Germany's Customer Champions 2012." Meanwhile, we were also winners of the special prizes for "Best industrial company" and "Best B2B company."

Energy efficiency and the process measuring and control technology

Awarded with the environmental technology prize for the state of Baden-

Our company was awarded prizes in two categories at the same time: Silver in the "energy efficiency" category and bronze in the category for process measuring and control technology.

NEO innovation prize

Successful in innovation: Awarded the NEO innovation prize

Our innovative system for contactless charging of electric vehicles won the "NEO" innovation prize of the Karlsruhe Technology Region for outstanding performance in the area of mobility.

Vision – The Electromobile City of the Future

Victory in the competition "Vision – The Electromobile City of the Futu

SEW‑EURODRIVE wins Gold at German competition: “Vision – The Electromobile City of the Future” presented to SEW‑EURODRIVE with this award in the "Charging Technology" category for our contactless charging system for electric vehicles.

Outstanding employer for engineers

SEW‑EURODRIVE is named an “outstanding employer for engineers”

On April 5, 2011 we obtained the certification "outstanding employer for engineers" from TÜV Rheinland and VDI Nachrichten, a news service provided by VDI, the Association of German Engineers.

Electric mobility: eCarTec Award

Electric mobility: eCarTec Award 2010 presented to SEW-EURODRIVE

Electric mobility is the topic on everyone's lips, and SEW-EURODRIVE receives the Bavarian state prize "eCarTec Award 2010" for electric mobility in the category of energy, infrastructure and connection technology for our inductive battery charging system.

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Supplier of the Year

Pump manufacturer Watson-Marlow MasoSine honors SEW‑EURODRIVE as supplier of the year.

Customer Champions

Germany's "Customer Champions 2009"

SEW-EURODRIVE is pleased to receive silver in the competition "Germany's Customer Champions 2009." And equally as exciting: SEW‑EURODRIVE also receives special awards for best B2B company, best company with more than 500 employees and best producing company.

GWA Profi

Our product excellence also extends to excellence in communication

The "GWA Profi" is the B2B brand award for communication for professional decision makers. SEW‑EURODRIVE’s professional brand and communication strategy was honored in the category “Companies with sales of more than EUR 1 billion”.

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Germany's "Customer Champions 2008"

At SEW‑EURODRIVE, the customer always comes first. This attitude is confirmed in this year's renowned competition for "Germany's Customer Champions 2008," where SEW-EURODRIVE was voted as one of the 50 most customer-oriented companies in Germany.

Frost and Sullivan Award

MOVIGEAR® receives the Frost and Sullivan Award

We were presented with the Frost and Sullivan Award 2008 at the Hannover Messe trade fair. This award honors our innovative MOVIGEAR® mechatronic drive solution as the product innovation of the year on the European market for electric drives.

Best Product Award for MOVIFIT®

Best Product Award for MOVIFIT®

The professional journal "P&A" for the process technology and automation industry presents SEW‑EURODRIVE with the "Best Product Award" twice in the same year. First place went to MOVIFIT®, and fifth place to the product "Hygienic design of MOVIFIT®."

Preferred Supplier of KUKA Systems GmbH

Preferred Supplier of KUKA Systems GmbH

At KUKA Systems GmbH’s first-ever Supplier Day on November 19, 2007, SEW‑EURODRIVE was named a “Preferred Supplier”.

International success: Top Plant Awa
International success: Top Plant Award

International success: Top Plant Award

Our production plant in Lyman was awarded the "Top Plant Award" by the US trade journal "Plant Engineering."

the Service Management Prize

Prizewinner: CDS® modular service concept

SEW-EURODRIVE receives the Service Management Prize from the Kundendienstverband e.V. (KVD), Europe's largest and most significant professional association for management in customer care and service.

Best Product Award

Servomotors on course for success: Best Product Guide

Readers of the trade journal "A&D" award SEW‑EURODRIVE 1st place in the "Best Product Award" for the CMD servomotor series.

R.TV Regio award

SEW‑EURODRIVE wins the "R.TV Regio award 2004" in the area of industry

The first "R.TV Regio Awards" for economy, marketing and innovation have been awarded during the second R.TV Going Live party. Around 400 guests were invited to this event and watched SEW‑EURODRIVE receive the prize for the industry category.

TOP Award

SEW-EURODRIVE wins the "TOP" award

At the "TOP Annual meeting 2004," Rezzo Schlauch, the parliamentary secretary for the German Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment awarded the "TOP Award 2004" (TOP: technology oriented visit and information program) to SEW‑EURODRIVE.