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Adapted to your application

Usually, the brake is controlled by a brake control that is installed in either the motor terminal box or the control cabinet. You can choose from a wide range of brake controls. In addition to various connection voltages, brake controls for specific application requirements are available as well:

  • With acceleration function for high switching frequency (by using the patented twocoil system, e.g. BGE../BME../BSG..)
  • With rapid switch-off function for high stopping accuracy (with integrated or additional high-speed relays, e.g. BMP../BSR../BUR..)
  • With integrated heating function (BMH..)
  • With additional DC 24 V control inputs for PLC or inverter (e.g. BMK.. or BMV..)
  • As safety-related component for functionally safe interruption of the energy supply to the brake (BST..)

Brakes up to BE2 can also be delivered for operation at an external DC voltage source without additional brake control, if requested by the customer.

Particularly short response times at switch-on

BE.. brakes are equipped with the two-coil system patented by SEW‑EURODRIVE. When using special brake control systems from SEW‑EURODRIVE with acceleration function, the brake control ensures that only the accelerator coil is switched on first, followed by the holding coil (entire coil). The powerful impulse magnetization (high acceleration current) of the accelerator coil results in a very short response time, particularly in large brakes, without reaching the saturation limit. The brake lining carrier moves clear very swiftly and the motor starts up with hardly any braking losses.

Particularly short response time at switch-off

The response time for the application of the brake also depends on how rapidly the energy stored in the brake coil is dissipated when the power supply is switched off. A free-wheeling diode is used to dissipate the energy for a “cut-off in the AC circuit”. The current decreases at an exponential rate. The current dissipates much more rapidly via a varistor when the DC and AC circuits are cut-off at the same time as the coil's DC circuit. The response time is considerably reduced. Conventionally, cut-off in the DC and AC circuits is implemented using an additional contact on the brake contactor (suitable for an inductive load). Under certain conditions, you can use the SR.E electronic current relays or UR.E voltage relays for interrupting the DC circuit, see the following section.

Control cabinet installation of the BM..

The housings of BMS, BME, BMP, BMV and BMK are similar. The supply voltage and auxiliary or control terminals are connected to terminals 1-4, terminals 13-15 are the three supply lines to the BE brake.

Brake control systems

The following tables list the technical data for brake control systems for installation in the motor terminal box and in the control cabinet. The different housings have different colors (= colour code) to make them easier to distinguish.

... In the terminal box

Typ Function Voltage Holding current
Type Publication number Colour code
BG Half-wave rectifier AC 230 – 575 V 1.4 BG 1.4 827 881 4 Black
AC 150 – 500 V 1.5 BG 1.5 825 384 6 Black
AC 24 – 500 V 3.0 BG 3 825 386 2 Brown
BGE One-way rectifier with electronic switching AC 230 – 575 V 1.4 BGE 1.4 827 882 2 Red
AC 150 – 500 V 1.5 BGE 1.5 825 385 4 Red
AC 42 – 150 V 3.0 BGE 3 825 387 0 Blue
BSR Half-wave rectifier + current relay for switch-off in the DC circuit AC 150 – 500 V 1.0 BGE 1.5 + SR 11
825 385 4
826 761 8

1.0 BGE 1.5 + SR 15
825 385 4
826 762 6

1.0 BGE 1.5 + SR 19
825 385 4
826 246 2

AC 42 – 150 V 1.0 BGE 3 + SR11
825 387 0
826 761 8

1.0 BGE 3 + SR15
825 387 0
826 762 6

1.0 BGE 3 + SR19
825 387 0
826 246 2

BUR Half-wave rectifier + voltage relay for switch-off in the DC circuit AC 150 – 500 V 1.0 BGE 1.5 + UR 15
825 385 4
826 759 6

AC 42 – 150 V 1.0 BGE 3
+ UR 11

825 387 0
826 758 8

BS Varistor protection circuit DC 24 V 5.0 BS24 826 763 4 Water blue
BSG Electronic switching DC 24 V 5.0 BSG 825 459 1 White
BMP One-way rectifier with electronic switching, integrated voltage relay for switch-off in the DC circuit AC 230 – 575 V 2.8 2.8 2.8 -

... in the control cabinet

Type Function Voltage Holding current
Type Publication number Colour code
BMS One-way rectifier as BG AC 230 – 575 V 1.4 BMS 1.4 829 830 0 Black
AC 150 – 500 V 1.5 BMS 1.5 825 802 3 Black
AC 42 – 150 V 3.0 BMS 3 825 803 1 Brown
BME One-way rectifier with electronic switching as BGE AC 230 – 575 V 1.4 BME 1.4 829 831 9 Red
AC 150 – 500 V 1.5 BME 1.5 825 722 1 Red
AC 42 – 150 V 3.0 BME 3 825 723 X Blue
BMH One-way rectifier with electronic switching and heating function AC 230 – 575 V 1.4 BMH 1.4 829 834 3 Green
AC 150 – 500 V 1.5 BMH 1.5 825 818 X Green
AC 42 – 150 V 3.0 BMH 3 825 819 8 Yellow
BMP One-way rectifier with electronic switching, integrated voltage relay for cut-off in the DC circuit AC 230 – 575 V 1.4 BMP 1.4 829 832 7 White
AC 150 – 500 V 1.5 BMP 1.5 825 685 3 White
AC 42 – 150 V 3.0 BMP 3 826 566 6 Light blue
AC 230 – 575 V 2.8 BMP 3.1 829 507 7 -
BMK One-way rectifier with electronic switching, 24 V DC control input and cut-off in the DC circuit AC 230 – 575 V 1.4 BMK 1.4 829 883 5 Water blue
AC 150 – 500 V 1.5 BMK 1.5 826 463 5 Water blue
AC 42 – 150 V 3.0 BMK 3 826 567 4 Bright red
BMV Brake control unit with electronic switching, DC 24 V control input and fast cut-off DC 24 V 5.0 BMV 5 1 300 006 3 White
BST Safety-related brake control with electronic switching and DC link supply AC 460 0.6 BST 0.6S 08299714 -
AC 400 0.7 BST 0.7S 13000772 -
AC 230 1.2 BST 1.2S 13001337 -
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